

Kids Jiu-Jitsu

By combining the Gracie Bullyproof with traditional Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, and wrestling we provide confidence, discipline and technique for kids to feel comfortable when out on their own.

No Gi Jiu-Jitsu

We combine wrestling, catch wrestling, and jiu-jitsu techniques to create our own brand of no gi jiu-jitsu/submission wrestling.

Women’s Only Intro to Jiu-Jitsu

Taught by one of our female instructors this class is designed to allow ladies to learn the basics of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu in a relaxed and comfortable atmosphere. If you’re interested in only taking this class we’ll give you 8 introductory classes for only $75!

Adult Gi Jiu-Jitsu

Here we utilize the Gracie Combatives system for our beginning adult members. This builds a foundation of jiu-jitsu, while teaching a system that is effective in protecting yourself on a day-to-day basis. We will reinforce these fundamentals with our more experienced students, while introducing them to more advanced techniques.

Muay Thai

We combine boxing with traditional muay thai to help provide our students a balanced approach to self-defense.

Women’s Self-Defense

Here, we integrate Gracie Combatives, self-awareness, boxing, and Muay Thai to empower women. Instruction for these classes will be demonstrated by our instructors, but women will work with other women in implementing the techniques. Our female instructors will help women fine tune the techniques being demonstrated.